Apparently Indonesia a time bomb is so powerful
A giant volcano in the Sunda Trench found in Southwestern Sumatra. The mountain is very dangerous when it erupted, because it can cause big waves on the sea surface, and even tsunamis.Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG) Geological Agency, London judge discoveries giant volcano is 4,600 meters high volcano in Indonesia. "Mount Kerinci a height of about 3,800 meters and Mount Semeru about 3,600 feet less with the newly discovered mountain in the Bengkulu waters. If this is indeed true mountain volcano, the mountain is the largest volcano in Indonesia, "said Head of Geological Agency PVMBG, Bandung, Surono, in Jakarta.
What mountains are located in the Sunda Trench in Southwestern Sumatra, 330km from Bengkulu, at a depth of 5900 meters and a peak at a depth of 1280 meters above sea level and has a diameter of 50 km. According to him, the investigators have more research to determine the certainty of the volcano, as the level of activity magmanya, has a hole at the top as a place to get out and more eruptions.
According to him, when the mountain was a volcano, it is very dangerous when it erupted. Because of the mountain in the middle of the sea could cause huge waves and even tsunamis. Therefore there needs to be a serious concern of the government to anticipate it. "Researchers also need to supervise and monitor the condition of the mountain. And create a map of disaster-prone areas around the mountain, so as to anticipate things that are not desirable, "he said.
Surono profuse appreciation to the researchers from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT), and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources CGG Veritas and the Institut de Physique Globe Paris who discovered the giant volcano. He predicted the volcano was found previously erupted several times, so the eruption materials to make the mountain bigger today.
Previously, Marine Research BPPT, LIPI, Department of Energy and Mineral Resources and CGGVeritas and IPG (Institut de Physique du Globe) Paris found a giant underwater volcano with a diameter of 50km and reaches up to 4,600 meters high at 330km west of Bengkulu. "This volcano is huge and tall. In Indonesia there is no land except high mountain Mount Jayawijaya in Papua, "said Director of Technology Center for Natural Resource Inventory, BPPT, Surachman Yusuf told reporters in Jakarta, Thursday (28/5).
The mountain is known to have a mark as a caldera volcano, he claimed not to know the level of activity of the volcano. "However, underwater volcanoes are very dangerous if it erupts," he said. The survey, using advanced seismic vessel owned by CGGVeritas Geowave Champion was the first in the world because it uses the longest streamer, 15 km, from ever undertaken by the seismic survey vessel.
The purpose of the survey is to determine the geological structure of the (penetration up to 50km), including the Sunda Trench, Prisma accretion, Tinggian arc rating (Outer Arc High) and Fore Arc Basin (Fore Arc Basin) Sumatran waters. Since the earthquake and tsunami in late 2004 and major earthquakes aftershocks other, a lot of changes in the structure of the Sumtera waters attract many foreign scholars.
A team of experts from Indonesia, the U.S. and France, working in structural geology mapping to better understand the mechanism of the earthquake source and tsunami triggered using seismic images in (deep seismic image).
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